I am ready to show another stage in my game, for now in screenshot form. Tiara Cascades.
Seeing as Tikal wants to get her father to stop being an idiot and Chaos wants to beat the crap out of Tikal's father for kidnapping his Chao buddies, their quest will lead them to this zone, the natural wall of the Echidna tribe. Its easy to lose your footing on the slippery rocks that guide your way up the cliffside, and you can easily plummit to your doom if you fall and collide with the pointed spires at the bottom. Lets take a look at some of the general points of interest of the zone!
Near the bottom, your vision grows impaired by the thick mist that the waterfall gives off when it hits the landscape. Other tribal echidnas will try to take advantage of the situation and hit you for damage, so make sure you are as alert to your surroundings as possible!
Since not all echidnas are able to scale the cliffside on their own, the engineers of the tribe invented a device enabling any echidna to travel sky-high. Just hop on and run, and it will take you as high as you need.
What, you didn't think only the male echidnas would fight you, did you? The female variant can greatly assist the male with her bow by aiming at Tikal or Chaos and firing, regardless of if they're in the air or not. They don't really like close encounters though, and will attempt to stay away from the opposing character.
Chaos is at a bit of a loss in this stage. He's too slow to use the flying machines, so they won't appear for him. Sure, he can utilize the platform pictured in the screenshot, but that will only lead him down. He can travel through water, but the water is currently going down and he needs to go up. Maybe he can change that though X)
I've also gotten through a good ways of another stage, but I'm going to hold showing that until it's fully completed.